Talk about amazing competition atmosphere! The BC sectionals are being held at Quest University, located in the mountains above Squamish. The view from the gym is incredible! Nothing like clean, fresh mountain air to prepare the body for competition.
Competitors opened the competition with the CrossFit Football Total: a combined score of their best of 3 attempts in the power clean, back squat, bench press, and deadlift. Cayle ended up tying for 2nd place with a total of 1465 pounds!!!!! Tyson placed 6th with a total of 1415 pounds, Calvin placed 31st with 1125 pounds, and Mike was 41st with a total of 1040 pounds. (Unfortunately, Marty came down with the flu Friday night and spent the day in bed)
The second WOD was AMRAP in 5 minutes of: 7 box jumps (24/20") 7 burpees 7 KB swings (55/35#). Tyson placed 9th overall, Calvin placed 21st overall, Mike placed 40th overall, and Cayle placed 53rd overall (his legs were a little fatigued after the lifting! - "Coming out of the burpees, my legs felt like I was jumping in sand").
Competitors finished the day with a 2k erg. All competitors' pace boats were on a projection screen in the gym so the athletes and spectators knew how they were doing against the others in their heat. Tyson placed 5th overall with 6:51.5, Calvin placed 8th overall with 6:54.5, Mike placed 27th overall with 7:06.7, and Cayle placed 35th with 7:13.1.
As for the ladies, Alicia Connors (from CrossFit Taranis) finished the day in 2nd place!!! If you think I lift heavy, you should have seen the numbers these girls were pushing/pulling! Unbelievable!!! The girls are fighting hard for the top 3 spots, and tomorrow's WOD will be a battle to the end.
Highlight of my day? Finding out TYSON IS IN FIRST PLACE OVERALL AT THE END OF DAY 1!!!!! (or maybe it was watching the coug hit on Tyson.... it's a toss up!) I can't explain how excited and proud I am! Tomorrow's WOD will determine which 15 men and 15 women qualify for Regionals (it's also Mike's strongest event). I gotta say, judging has been a blast, but I can't wait to compete in Calgary!