My last post was almost 2 months ago.... I guess that's what happens when you're taking summer classes, training for the Games, coaching, and your boyfriend FINALLY moves back home after being gone for 8 months!
Looking back at the goals I set for myself almost 2 months ago, I'm happy to report that I've accomplished all of them! I finally did my first muscle-up, though I'm not very consistent and it's definitely ugly! I managed to figure out the kipping ring dip (I did 9+7+8 during the 2nd team event at regionals, beating my goal of 5 or more each round), and I'm working out the kinks of my kipping knees-to-elbows right now. Lastly, our team finished 4th overall at regionals!!!
So now we're back to training for the 2010 CrossFit Games!!! In 3 weeks we'll be in California watching and competing against the fittest men and women in the world. It's going to be one hell of a weekend!!!!!